In the midst of the global pandemic, when international airlines were halted from operating in India, AITS Group emerged as a true industry leader. This case study highlights the exceptional efforts made by AITS Group to secure the permission for Iraqi Airways to operate under the Air Bubble arrangement introduced by the Ministry of Civil Aviation in India. The collaboration enabled Iraqi citizens stranded in India and Indian citizens in Iraq to safely return to their home countries during these challenging times.
Stranded Citizens and Limited Operations
AITS Group's Swift Action and Strategic Collaboration
Recognizing the urgency of the situation, AITS Group swiftly initiated conversations with the relevant authorities and government agencies. Leveraging its strong network and established relationships with the Ministry of Civil Aviation, AITS Group proactively pursued the permission for Iraqi Airways to operate under the Air Bubble arrangement. Through diligent efforts, extensive coordination, and comprehensive planning, AITS Group successfully obtained the required clearance, becoming the first organisation to secure this crucial permission.
Repatriation and Relief
Trust and Empathy
AITS Group's Impact in Challenging Times